Bernedoodles are a deliberate cross of a Bernese Mountain Dog and a Poodle. With their attractive coloring and amazing temperaments, Bernedoodles display the sought after attributes so well-loved by the Berner community, in concert with low-to-no-shedding, and healthier, longer lifespans.
Bernedoodles coats can be a multitude of colors including the showy tricolor, bicolor, and all variations of sable, solid black, and even the rare golden! We are so taken with these beautiful pups and can't wait to see the results.
Originating out of Canada, Swiss Ridge Bernedoodles is the first breeder to first ever deliberately match a Bernese Mountain Dog with a Poodle. The results are an extremely loyal, affectionate, and beautiful pup with fabulous temperaments. We are extremely taken with the Bernese Mountain Dog markings and are excited to further this winning combination.
Rocky Mountain Bernedoodles
Some of our stock Bernedoodles come from Rocky Mountain Bernedoodles, one of the original Bernedoodle breeders in the United States. These photos are courtesy of their program.